Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category World

Taiwan hit by strongest quake in 25 years

Taiwan’s earthquake monitoring agency gave the magnitude as 7.2 while the US Geological Survey put it at 7.4. Taiwan was hit by the strongest earthquake in a quarter century during the morning rush hour on Wednesday, damaging buildings and causing the…

Trump’s legal troubles

WASHINGTON (AP) — From allegations of plotting to overturn a lost election to illegally stowing classified documents at his Florida estate, former President Donald Trump faces four criminal indictments in four different cities as he vies to reclaim the White…

Olympic skater disqualified

GENEVA (AP) — Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva was disqualified from the 2022 Olympics on Monday, almost two years after the teenager’s doping case caused turmoil at the Beijing Games, clearing the way for the United States to get the…
